Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services
B. Student Support Services
The institution recruits and admits diverse students who are able to benefit from its programs, consistent with its mission. Student support services address the identified needs of students and enhance a supportive learning environment. The entire student pathway through the institutional experience is characterized by a concern for student access, progress, learning, and success. The institution systematically assesses student support services using student learning outcomes, faculty and staff input, and other appropriate measures in order to improve the effectiveness of these services.
- How does the institution determine that admitted students are able to benefit from its programs?
- How is this information applied to admissions policies and procedures?
- What college-wide discussions have occurred about how student access, progress, learning, and success are consistently supported?
IIB 1. The institution assures the quality of student support services and demonstrates that these services, regardless of location or means of delivery, support student learning and enhance achievement of the mission of the institution.
- By what means does the institution assure the quality of its student support services?
- How does the institution demonstrate that these services support student learning?
IIB 2. The institution provides a catalog for its constituencies with
precise, accurate, and current information concerning the
- General Information
- Official Name, Address(es), Telephone Number(s), and Web Site Address of the Institution
- Educational Mission
- Course, Program, and Degree Offerings
- Academic Calendar and Program Length
Academic Freedom Statement
- Available Student Financial Aid
- Available Learning Resources
- Names and Degrees of Administrators and Faculty
- Names of Governing Board Members
- Requirements
- Admissions
- Student Fees and Other Financial Obligations
- Degree, Certificates, Graduation and Transfer
- Major Policies Affecting Students
- Academic Regulations, including Academic Honesty
- Nondiscrimination
- Acceptance of Transfer Credits
- Grievance and Complaint Procedures
- Sexual Harassment
- Refund of Fees
- Locations or publications where other policies may be found
- Is the catalogue current, clear, easy to understand, easy to use, well-structured?
- How is the catalog reviewed for accuracy and currency?
- What process does the college use to ensure that the information in its publications is easily accessible to students, prospective students, and the public?
- Is the catalog complete?
- When policies are not included in the catalog are the publications in which they are found easily accessible?
IIB 3. The institution researches and identifies the learning support needs of its student population and provides appropriate services and programs to address those needs.
- By what means does the institution determine the support needs of its students?
- How well does it address these needs?
IIB3 a. The institution assures equitable access to all of its students
by providing appropriate, comprehensive, and reliable
services to students regardless of service location or
delivery method.
- What evidence is provided that the institution assesses student
needs for services regardless of location and provides for
- How are on-line services and services at off-site locations evaluated?
- How well are services meeting the needs of students?
IIB3 b. The institution provides an environment that encourages personal and civic responsibility, as well as intellectual, aesthetic, and personal development for all of its students.
- What is the institution doing to provide a learning environment that promotes these personal attributes?
- In what dialogues has the institution engaged about what constitutes a good learning environment?
- What programs or services has the institution determined contribute to this environment?
- What areas have been identified for improvement?
- How does the college evaluate its efforts in this area?
- How are the results of the evaluations used to improve the environment?
IIB3 c. The institution designs, maintains, and evaluates counseling
and/or academic advising programs to support student
development and success and prepares faculty and other
personnel responsible for the advising function.
- Does the institution develop, implement, and evaluate counseling and/or academic advising?
- Does the evaluation of counseling and/or academic advising include how it enhances student development and success?
- Are those responsible for counseling/advising trained?
IIB3 d. The institution designs and maintains appropriate
programs, practices, and services that support and enhance
student understanding and appreciation of diversity.
- What does the institution do to promote student
understanding and appreciation of diversity?
- What measures does the institution use to determine their effectiveness?
- How well are these efforts working?
IIB3 e. The institution regularly evaluates admissions and
placement instruments and practices to validate their
effectiveness while minimizing biases.
- What processes are used to evaluate the effectiveness of practices and tools of admissions?
- What evaluations of placement processes are used to ensure their consistency and
- How are cultural and linguistic bias in the instruments and processes minimized?
IIB3 f. The institution maintains student records permanently, securely, and confidentially, with provision for secure backup
of all files, regardless of the form in which those files are maintained. The institution publishes and follows established policies for release of student records.
- What institutional policies govern the maintenance of student records?
- Are records secure? Does the institution have a policy for release of student records?
IIB 4. The institution evaluates student support services to assure their
adequacy in meeting identified student needs. Evaluation of these
services provides evidence that they contribute to the achievement
of student learning outcomes. The institution uses the results of
these evaluations as the basis for improvement.
- How does the institution provide for systematic and regular review of its student support services?
- How are the results used?
- Does the evaluation assess how student support services contribute to the achievement of student learning outcomes?
- How are evaluation results used to improve services?