Family: Fabaceae
English name: Candle bush
Chuukese name: arakak
Kosraen name: Sra kihto
Pingalapese: kito
Pohnpeian name: Tuhke en kilin wai
Yapese name:
Collection location and date: 05 December 1998
Vegetative description: It is a herb found in cool climate, like near the rivers. It can grow up to 15 feet tall, it has green alternate leaves,with even- pinnately leaflets.
Floral Description: The flowers are on a long pedicle with yellow color and bloom from the bottom to the end. They have 4-5 pedals
Uses: As far as I know, Pohpeian use it for local medicine. Used to treat ringworm, other skin rashes.
Collected by: SS