Fleshy fruits
Simple fruits (single ovary)
Endocarp hard and stony, ovary superior and single seeded (cherry, olive, coconut) drupe
Endocarp fleshy or slimy, ovary many seeded (tomato, grape, green pepper, avocado, banana) berry
Berry with leathery skin containing oils (orange, lime, grapefruit, tangerine) Rutaceae hesperidium
Berry with thick rind (watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber) Cucurbitaceae pepo
Flesh mostly of receptacle tissue (apple, pear) pome
Complex fruits (from more than one ovary)
Fruit from many carpels on a single flower (strawberry, blackberry, raspberry) aggregate fruit
Fruit from carpels of many flowers fused together (pineapple, mulberry) multiple fruit
Dry Fruits
Fruits that split open at maturity (usually more than one seed)
Split occurs on one seam in the ovary (milkweed) follicle
Split occurs on two seams in the ovary
Seed borne on one of the halves of the ovary (pea pod, bean pods, peanuts) legume
Seed borne on the partition between the halves of the ovary (mustard, radish) silicle or silique
Split occurs on multiple seams or released through pores (lilies, impatiens, hibiscus) capsule
Fruits that do not split at maturity (usually one seed)
Pericarp hard and thick, often with a cup at its base (mwoaroapw) nut
Pericarp thin
Ovaries often together in pairs (parsley, dill, carrots) schizocarp
Ovaries occur singly
Pericarp winged (maple, ash, elm) samara
Pericarp not winged
Single seed attached to pericarp only at its base (sunflower, Bidens alba) achene
Single seed fully fused to pericarp (cereal grains: rice, wheat, corn) grain/caryopsis