Algal Web Page


  1. Place the sketch on the scanner in the computer laboratory in A204.
  2. Use the computer A204-29
  3. Open up HP DeskScan II: HP DeskScan II software from the Programs menu.
  4. Scan in the sketch at 100%. If the file size is too large for your floppy disk, then reduce the image.
  5. Save as a TIF file to your floppy disk. Use the first eight characters of your first name for the file name. TIF is short for TIFF and stands for Tagged Image File Format.

Image Editing

  1. Take your floppy disk over to computer A204-22.
  2. Open either Microsoft Photo Editor or Microsoft Paint (only Microsoft Paint on a Windows 98 machine can work with TIFF and GIF file formats).
  3. Open your TIF file.
  4. Save as a GIF file on your floppy disk.
  5. If you can determine the height and width of your GIF file then write down the height and width.
  6. Save the image as a JPEG at a quality setting of 90 on your floppy disk. Use the first eight characters of your name for the file name.

Creating the Web Page

  1. Open notepad from the Programs:Accessories menu
  2. Save the file to your floppy disk using the first eight letters of your name and the extension .html along with quotes. For example my file name would be "leeling.html"
  3. In the note pad type the following:

<img src="leeling.gif" alt="spirogyra" width="200" height="150" />
<br />
Collected by: (your name)
<a href="">Botany Course Home Page

  1. <title> The title should be the name of the specimen you have sketched
  2. <img src="leeling.gif" alt="spirogyra" width="200" height="150" />.  Change the file name to the name of your GIF file.  
    Change the height and width to the height and width of your file.  If you do not know the height and width, simply leave this part of the command out.Note that you will change the image file name, the alt, the width, and the height to match your specimen.
    The alt="spirogyra" tag is the text that is displayed when the user rolls their mouse over the picture. Put the name of your specimen here.
  3. <br /> spirogyra  Change this spirogyra to the name of your specimen.
  4. Save the notepad file.

To see your web page

  1. Open up the Floppy A Drive using the Floppy A Drive explorer on the Programs menu.
  2. Double click on the notepad file you created with the .html extension.

HTML tag information

<html> open html file
<head> open file header
<title>file title</title> title of the file ( the slash always means "close operation")
</head> close file header
<body> open text body of file
<p> Start new Paragraph.  Plain text is enclosed in between <p> and </p>
<img src="ovate.jpg" alt="ovate" width="200" height="150" /> load an image with alternate text property set to value in quotes and with the specified width and height. Note the "close operation" slash is included in the tag.
<br /> line BReak or line feed without starting a new paragraph. Also closes itself.
</p> close paragraph
<p> start new paragraph
<a href=""> hyperlink address to another web site or page
Botany Course Home Page hyperlink face text
</a> close hyperlink
</p> close Paragraph
</body> close body
</html> close html file

Other tags:

<hr />Horizontal Rule (line)
<h1>heading level one</h1>
<h2>heading level two</h2>

Botany home page
Lee Ling home
COM-FSM home page