Botany 2000 T2

  1. In what ways are angiosperms considered more advanced than gymnosperms?

  2. Pollen consists of two cells, what functions do these two cells perform in the pollination and fertilization process?

  3. What is endosperm?

  4. What is a cotyledon?

  5. What is the difference between a chloroplast and chlorophyll?

  6. What are plasmodesmata?

  7. What is the common name for the five carbon compounds that link up to form cellulose?

  8. What is a function of a lateral meristem?

  9. What is a function of an intercalary meristem?

  10. Botanical Garden question: Name this fruit:
    coffeebean.jpg (15330 bytes)coffee01.jpg (21475 bytes)
  11. Botanical Garden question: Name this fruit:
    nutmeg_fruit.jpg (19080 bytes)nutmeg_nut.jpg (13246 bytes)

Matching: Pick the leaf that best matches the descriptor

  1. Awl _________
  2. Cordate  _________
  3. Elliptical  _________
  4. Hastate  _________
  5. Linear  _________
  6. Obovate  _________
  7. Sagittate  _________
franky_cordate.jpg (7748 bytes)
hastate.jpg (11911 bytes)
boldon_sagittate.jpg (2365 bytes)
lycopodium_cernuum_10x.jpg (30224 bytes)
obovate.jpg (11058 bytes)
linear.jpg (7313 bytes)
crenate.jpg (8691 bytes)
  1. Botanical Garden question: This palm like tree sometimes has an apical cone.  Name this type of tree.
    cycad02.jpg (37372 bytes)
  2. A model of a flower is in the classroom.  You can get up to look more closely at the flower. Is the flower from an angiosperm or a gymnosperm?

  3. Is the flower a monocot or a dicot or is there no way to tell?  Give support for your answer.

  4. Is the flower perfect?

  5. Is the flower complete?

  6. Draw a sketch of the flower and label all the whorls completely.  Use the back of the paper as necessary.
  7. Tell me about the Gingko tree and what makes it special.

  8. Why are cycads in the gymnosperms?

  9. What representatives of the gymonsperms are present on Pohnpei?

  10. How is a tube cell like a fungal hyphae?

  11. Which phylla possess lignin?

  12. Explain why cells in plants grow only in a specific direction.  Use diagrams as necessary.