Quicky Quiz 01
- What is the function of the central processing unit?
- Central processing units are often referred to by a Megahertz number, such as 100 Mhz,
350 Mhz, or 733 Mhz. Explain what these numbers mean.
- What happens if the fan on top of the CPU stops working?
- What is the function of Random Access Memory?
- What are some of the limitations of Random Access Memory?
- When I say that my computer has 192 Megabytes of RAM, what the heck is the meaning of
the "192 Megabytes?"
- What is the function of the hard drive?
- What measurement system do we use to measure hard drive capacity?
- Why might the deletion of operating system files not cause problems until the next time
the computer is booted?
- What can I do with a computer that has DVD drive that I cannot do with a computer that
lacks a DVD drive?
- What is your email address?
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