Harvey Segal leads the Ponape Teacher Education Center (PONTEC) band at the dedication of the Pohnpei International Airport (PNI) in spring 1970. The women in the front row, left to right, are a Peace Corps volunteer, Abigail Nena Segal, and Pastora Kephas Raymond. Abigail is around 23 years old in this photo. To the right of Harvey in the image is Sadao Johnnyboy. On the left side of the image from left to right is thought to be Katcho Sehd, Yukiwo Tara with the white mwarmwar and sunglasses and, without sunglasses, Yasuo Albert. Also on the left is Aidel Obed, Benjamin, and Emiko Santos(behind Harvey). Alvios William may be the man second from the right edge of the photo. The band is singing "Continental Flies in Here" a song composed by Harvey in honor of the occasion. The song went on to be a local hit and was recorded as far away as Palau. PONTEC was a direct predecessor to the education division at the Community College of Micronesia which was a predecessor to the present day College of Micronesia-FSM. PONTEC transitioned from being a district office under the state to being the college's education division in 1973 or 1974.