Provide courses in basic mathematics below the 100 level 196 (65% of 302) students successfully completed developmental math courses at the national campus. 37 students did not achieve success. 233 students took developmental math courses. By academic year's end at least 302 students will have completed developmental math courses. Numbers from the state campuses for Fall 2002 are not yet available. Developmental math courses experienced a success rate of 196 out of 233 or 89%. Given that these courses used a new placement test to place the new freshmen, indications are that these courses are functioning extremely well. 89% is a high rate of student success at the Collegiate level.
Provide courses in algebra, geometry, statistics, and calculus above the 100 level 167 (35% of 476) students successfully completed college level math courses. 53 students did not achieve success. 220 students took college level math courses. By May 2003 on the order of 334 students will have completed college level math courses. The summer program will increase these numbers. Numbers from the state campuses for Fall 2002 are not yet available. 167 out of 220 or 79% of the students experienced success in college level math courses. This rate is lower than the developmental math rate. These courses remain some of the most difficult at the College.
Provide courses in Marine Science 26 (15% of 173) students successfully completed marine science courses. Four students did not achieve success. 30 students took marine science courses. By May 2003 on the order of 52 students will have completed marine science courses. 26 out of 30 or 87% of the students experienced success in the marine science program.
Provide courses in Biology, Zoology, Chemistry, and Physics 449 (83% of 540) students successfully completed science courses. 68 students did not achieve success. 316 students took science courses. By May 2003 on the order of 898 students will have completed marine science courses. 248 of 316 or 78% of the students experienced success in science courses. This is the lowest rate of success in the division. Under preparation in science and lack of exposure to science in elementary and secondary school remain underlying contributing factors to student lack of success in college level science courses. With faculty carrying maximal class sizes and laboratories running at capacity, further support to students to improve the rate of success will have to entail student services and support and tutorial support.