System Wide Competencies

The System Wide competencies (College competencies) define and describe the skills and knowledge expected of the College of Micronesia-FSM graduates. The following broad learning outcomes are expected of all graduates.

Competency 1

Graduates of COM-FSM should be proficient in mathematics, reading, writing and speech communication.

Competency 2

Graduates of COM-FSM should have a concept of self (needs, abilities, interests, values) and be able to explain the relationship of self to others necessary for making value judgments for satisfying and productive lives.

Competency 3

Graduates of COM-FSM should apply the meaning of career, defined as a whole life endeavor, to make career choices appropriate to individuals’ own needs, abilities, interests, values and education.

Competency 4

Graduates of COM-FSM should have the skills to pursue lifelong learning.

Competency 5

Graduates of COM-FSM should be able to use decision-making processes to solve problems.

Competency 6

Graduates of COM-FSM should be able to analyze the impact of arts and humanities on life and discuss the part that diverse cultural ethnic groups play in the arts of humanities.

Competency 7

Graduates of COM-FSM should have the skills necessary to analyze social, political, business and economic systems in order to function effectively within them.

Competency 8

Graduates of COM-FSM should be able to analyze the impact and apply the principles of science and technology so that they may make intelligent judgments.

Competency 9

Graduates of COM-FSM should have the skills and experience necessary to make use of contemporary information systems in support of their personal life and career goals.

Competency 10

Graduates of COM-FSM should be able to satisfy the competencies in their chosen curricula.

Competency 11

Graduates of COM-FSM should have the ability and skills to respond and adapt to new and changing situations.