SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany Preparatory Information Sheet

Plant Identification

Samples of the following plants will in the laboratory during the midterm. You will have to match the sample to the latin name. Study the following web pages to assist you, although not all the plants listed are seen on these pages:

The web page for this handout also includes links to pages for each plant listed below:

  1. Agathis robusta (kauri)
  2. Araucaria columnaris (Cook island pine)
  3. Asplenium nidus (bird's nest fern, nuuk, muhliklik, tehnlik, chath)
  4. Cinnamomum carolinense (Pohnpei island cinnamon tree, madeu)
  5. Coffea arabica (coffee)
  6. Cycas rumphii (cycad)
  7. Cyanobacteria (nostoc, num, fokon faht, pwisehn ketipen)
  8. Dicranopteris linearis (anecha, mwedil en mal)
  9. Lycopodium cernuum (club moss, unen katu, mac en tefuroh, suhke krismas, kidi en mal or kidi en leng)
  10. Morinda citrifolia (ii, kirikei, mangalweg, nen, noni, nopur, weipwul)
  11. Myristica fragrans (nutmeg)
  12. Nephrolepis acutifolia (amare, rehdil)
  13. Phymatosorus scolopendria (chichi, kamkam, kidou, gob, sra kwem kwem)
  14. Piper nigrum (black pepper)
  15. Piper ponapense (konok, Pohnpei native pepper vine)
  16. Thelypteris maemonensis (marek, manu'a tababa, marek, walem)