Ethnobotany final examination ❀ Name:
This final was conducted as a field practical. The class met in the Palikir ethnobotanical garden. The instructor indicated plants. Students then filled in the appropriate information for the plants. One point was awarded per correct answer. Local use was awarded one point for a generic answer (medicine, healing, food, drink, shelter, etcetera), two points for a specific use (four leaves are heated and applied to the skin for fungal infection). Spring 2010 onwards I simplified this process and awarded one point per correct answer for a total possible of 48 points (16 questions) which was then scaled to be out of 10 points.
Key | Local name | Local use (anywhere in Micronesia)
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List the key features that distinguish the reproductive cycle for lycophytes and monilophytes.
List the key features that distinguish the reproductive cycle for angiosperms.
Label the parts of a leaf.
Vegetative morphology
Label and identify the following parts of a solitary flower. Include the whorl names as well as the names of the parts.
Floral morphology
ovary pistil
K ____ C ____ A ____ G ____ Write out the floral formula for the above flower. Use only the parts shown to generate the formula.
Key Latin binomial
Ana Ananas comosus
Are Areca catechu
Art Artocarpus altilis
Asp Asplenium nidus
Bar Barringtonia racemosa
Cal Calophyllum inophyllum
Cam Campnosperma brevipetiolata
Can Cananga odorata
Cit Citrus aurantifolia
Cle Clerodendrum inerme
Col Colocassia esculanta
Coc Cocos nucifera
Cor Cordyline fruticosa
Cyc Cyclosorus maemonensis [formerly Thelypteris maemonensis ]
Cyr Cyrtosperma chamissionis
Dav Davallia solida var. solida
Gar Gardenia jasminoides [G. augusta]
Glo Glochidion ramiflorum
Hbr Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Hib Hibiscus tiliaceus
Ino Inocarpus fagifer
Ixo Ixora casei
Jas Jasminum sambac
Mac Macaranga carolenensis
Mag Magnifera indica
Mel Melastoma malabathicum var. marianum
Mer Merremia peltata
Met Metroxylon amicarum
Mic Microsorum scolopendria [Also known as Phytomasorus scolopendria ]
Mor Morinda citrifolia
Mus Musa x paradisiaca spp.
Nep Nephrolepis spp.
Pip Piper ponapense
Plu Plumeria obtusa
Pre Premna obtusifolia [Sometimes listed as Premna serratifolia ]
Sac Saccharum offinarum
Sca Scaevola taccada
Sen Senna alata [formerly Cassia alata ]
Ter Terminalia catappa