15 October Food presentations These unique doughnuts and karindo can be eaten by those who cannot eat wheat products. What were these made from?
Foods such as koapir kahu are classified as starches in food science. Rice is also a starch. Why are local starches considered better than foreign starches from a health perspective?
20 October Vegetative morphology Label the parts of a leaf.
_______________ Identify the leaf shape for the morning glory (Ipomoea) leaves seen in the images.
Draw sketches showing the difference between alternate and opposite attachment for leaves on a plant stem.
22 October Thatching Of the two types of thatch, on the 22nd of October every student chose to do only one style of thatch. Which style did the students choose to do: doakoahs en Pohnpei OR doakoahs en Ruhk?
27 and 30 October Material Culture Allison Fugog explained the significance of the black cord necklace called a marfaw'. What does wearing the marfaw'signify?
05 November Floral morphology
Label and identify the following parts of a solitary flower. Include the whorl names as well as the names of the parts.
Complete the floral formula for Turnera ulmifolia seen in the images. K5 C __ A __ G __
For the floral formula shown on the right, indicate the number of sepals, petals, stamens, and stigmas.
____ sepals
____ petals
____ stamens
____ stigmas
________________________________ What plant has a flower with the above floral formula?
10 November Invasives The plant shown is considered to be an invasive species on some islands. Here on Pohnpei the plant is not considered invasive and is treated as a native plant used medicinally. Provide either the Latin name or local name for this plant.
12 November Vital Coconut Development Unit Name three products of the Vital CDU.