SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany Midterm • Name:

  1. 10 January: Walk about What is the local name in your language of this plant
    Ixora casei
  2. 12 January: Banana patch Describe the role and importance of local foods such as bananas in terms of local food security.
  3. 17 January: Ethnogardening What is the local name in your language of this plant
    Ixora casei
  4. 19 January: Monilophyte and Lycophyte hike The hike into the valley west of campus focused on monilophytes and lycophytes.
    1. What are lycophytes?
    2. Name a lycophyte in your language:
    3. What are monilophytes?
    4. Name a monilophyte in your language:
  5. 24 January: Gordon White Gordon spoke of an "ontological turn" in the 20th century which returned "agency" to objects seen by Western philosophy as inanimate such as plants, rivers, rocks, forests, and mountains. Explain in your own words what this means.
  6. 31 January Primitive plants presentations: For the following Asplenium nidus leaf:
    1. Is Asplenium nidus a □[monilophyte] or a □[lycophyte]?
    2. Is Asplenium nidus □[undivided], □[lobed], □[divided once], or □[divided once, lobed]?
    3. On the diagram above, label the sori.
    4. ______________ What do sori produce?
    5. ______________ What is the name of Asplenium nidus in your local language?
  7. For the following Microsorum scolopendria leaf:
    1. Is Microsorum scolopendria □[undivided], □[lobed], □[divided once], or □[divided once, lobed]?
    2. On the diagram above, label the sori.
    3. ______________ What is the name of Microsorum scolopendria in your local language?
  8. For the following Nephrolepis acutifolia leaf:
    1. Is Nephrolepis acutifolia □[undivided], □[lobed], □[divided once], or □[divided once, lobed]?
    2. On the diagram above, label the pinnae.
    3. ______________ What is the name of Nephrolepis acutifolia in your local language?
  9. 02 February: Paies walk. Lycopodiella cernua
  10. 07—09 February Healing plants presentation: In the past students brought a wide variety of plants from across the island and described a broad variety of treatments. The presentations, being more detailed, required two days to complete. This term, and in the past couple of terms, most of the plants brought for the presentation came from around the classroom. Premna obtusifolia, Terminalia catappa, Ischaemum polystachyum, Psidium guajava, Annona muricata, Cymbopogon citratus, and Microsorum scolopendria can all be found a few short steps from the classroom. Morinda citrifolia is available a few steps farther from the classroom. The treatments described were not detailed, often incomplete, and covered a narrow range of illnesses, diseases, and conditions.
  11. 14 February: Pwunso botanic garden visit Label the following images with the correct name. Not all names are used.
    Araucaria ❦ Allspice ❦ Cinnamon ❦ Clove ❦ Cycad ❦ Eucalptus ❦ Mace ❦ Nutmeg

    Araucaria Cycad Eucalptus Allspice
    Cloves Nutmeg

  12. 21 February: Timber! What is mahogany used for and why?
  13. 21 February: Spice What foods is mace used in?
  14. 21 February: Beverage What is the active ingredient in coffee?
  15. 21 February: Beverage What is Kona coffee?