__________ On the following fern frond, what is the botanic name of the round circular structures on the bottom of the fertile frond?
The following is an Aloe vera plant in a pot and the accompanying iNaturalist observation set up in the iNaturalist app.
The student is getting ready to upload this image of the plant in the pot but in the screenshot they have forgotten to set something. What has the student forgotten to set?
For the following lycopodium:
_______________ What is the botanic name for the photosynthetic structures at A?
_______________ What is the botanic name for the cone-like structure at B?
Out in the forest on our hike I noted that plants can carry meanings and functions for people. For dancers on Pohnpei who are dancing away from their home land unit (kousapw), what is the meaning or function of Phymatosorus scolopendria worn as a mwarmwar on the dancers' heads?