Nihco Marine Park, Pohnpei

Nihco is a privately owned family oriented waterfront recreation area. The park is actually a place where coral was once mined, the lagoon is a dredging hole.
052205nihcolagoon (79K) 052210nihcolagoon (62K)

The lagoon has huts around the old access road.
052206nihcohut (77K) 052213jusda_marlin_nena (67K) 052215shar_mar (57K)

Facing the main lagoon at the far end of the access road is a coralline beach appropriate for small children.
052209coralbeach (60K) 052208kidsswim (71K)

From Nihco there are good views of the Sokehs coast of Pohnpei. From here one can see the extent of the mangroves and why Pohnpei is known for its lack of beaches.
052202pohnpeicoastal (57K) 052201pohnpeicoastal (64K)

This is also a good place to see the west face of Sokehs island ridge. The prominent pailalap cannot be seen from Nihco.
052214sokehswestside (66K) 052204sokehswestface (45K)

The park also allows one to see a true Rhizophora mangrove
052203rhizophora (73K) 052211rhizophora (93K) 052212rhizophora (90K)
