MS 095 PreAlgebra Test 01 • Name: __________


Marble: marble
Pompom: pompom

____ marble marble marble marble marble sulp marble marble = marble marble sulp marble marble marble marble marble A. Additive Inverse Property
____ marble marble marble sulp pompom pompom pompom = [Nothing] B. Commutative Property
____ pompom pompom pompom pompom pompom sulp nothing = pompom pompom pompom pompom pompom C. Additive property of zero
  1. ____________________ What is 0 ÷ 0 equal to?
  2. ____________________ What is marble marble marble ÷ 0 equal to?
  3. ____________________ What is 0 ÷ 42 equal to?
  4. ____________________ What is marble marble marble sunim marble marble marble marble marble marble marble equal to?
  5. Identify the constants and variables in: y = 7e3x
  6. __________ Calculate 194
  7. __________ Calculate 2p2
  8. __________ Calculate e2
  9. __________ What is 10016 ÷ 2?
  10. __________ What is the largest single digit “number” in base 9?
  11. __________ What color light results from adding red light to blue light on the computer monitor?
  12. The following data is the seat count for the seats in the FSM-China Friendship Sports Center as reported on quiz one:

    1169, 1209, 1219, 1224, 1229, 1260, 1290, 1291, 1291, 1363, 1446, 1466

    1. ______ What is the mode for the seat count data?
    2. ______ What is the median for the seat count data?
    3. ______ What is the mean (average) for the seat count data?
  13. For the following diagram:
    shapes (5K)
    1. __________ What is the perimeter of the square with one side 19 cm in length shown in A?
    2. __________ What is the area of the square with one side 19 cm in length shown in A?
    3. __________ What is the area of the triangle with base 5 cm and height 8 cm shown in B?
    4. __________ What is the perimeter of the circle with radius 3 meters shown in C?
    5. __________ What is the area of the circle with radius 3 meters shown in C?
    6. __________ What is the volume of the sphere with radius 3 meters shown in D?