Belly Button Ratios
Measure your height in inches and divide it into two measures.
- The first measures the length from your feet to your belly button.
- The second measures the length from your belly button to the top of your head.
Use the formulas below to find your belly button ratios.
Long Measure - The distance from your belly button to the bottom of your foot.
Short Measure - The distance from the top of your head to your belly button
First Ratio = height/long measure = __________
Second Ratio = long measure/short measure = __________
Put your ratios on the board.
- Find the average of the first ratios: __________
- Find the average of the second ratios: __________
Part Two: Fibobelly Ratios:
- Calculate 1/1: __________
- Calculate 2/1: __________
- Calculate 3/2: __________
- Calculate 5/3: __________
- Calculate 8/5: __________
- Calculate 13/8: __________
- Calculate 21/13: __________
- Calculate 34/21: __________
- Calculate 55/34: __________
- Calculate 89/55: __________
- Calculate 144/89: __________
- Calculate 233/144: __________
- Calculate (1+√5) ÷ 2 ____________________
- Calculate 1 ÷ 1.618033988 ____________________
Are either of the ratios in 3 or 4 close to the Fibonacci ratio above?