MS 150 Statistics

27 August 2004 19 January 2005 • Name: ___________________________________

Quiz 01
  1. __________ What is your weight in pounds?
  2. __________ What percent of your body is fat?
  3. __________ Multiply your weight in pounds by your percent body fat to determine the number of pounds of fat in your body.
  4. __________ Can you survive with zero pounds of fat in your body?
  5. ____________________ List a potential medical consequence of an obese level of body fat.
  6. Which fitness level does your body fat percentage place you in?
    1. ___ Essential fat only
    2. ___ Athletic
    3. ___ Physically fit
    4. ___ Acceptable
    5. ___ Overfat
    6. ___ Obese
  7. The college nurse decides to research the average blood pressure for ALL of the youth in the FSM. The nurse obtains blood pressure data from a sample of 22 students at the national campus: 2 from Chuuk, 16 from Pohnpei, and 5 from Yap. The result is an average blood pressure of 123.9 systolic.
    1. ______________________________ What is the intended population?
    2. ______________________________ What is the sample?
    3. ______________________________ Is the blood pressure data quantitative or qualitative?
    4. What level of measurement is the blood pressure data?
      1. Nominal
      2. Ordinal
      3. Interval
      4. Ratio
    5. Comment on whether the sample is appropriate for the intended population including reason why it is appropriate OR reason why it is not appropriate.
