Micronesian homeless shelter users Year Number
2001 286
2002 316
2003 554
2004 463
2005 513
2006 736
ratio 1. Level of measurement
6 2. sample size n.
478 3. sample mean x.
488 4. median.
#VALUE! 5. mode.
Part II: Hypothesis Testing using the t-test

286 6. minimum.
Homeless shelter users Year Hawaiians (x) Micronesians (y)
736 7. maximum.
2001 1117 286
450 8. range.
2002 1039 316
165.47 9. Calculate sx.
2003 864 554
0.35 10.CV.
2004 857 463
150 11. Class width.
2005 756 513

2006 744 736
Bins (x) Frequency f RF p(x) 0.0209 21. p-value
436 2 0.33 Yes 22. Stat sig at 0.05?
586 3 0.5 reject 23. Would we fail to reject or reject...
736 1 0.17 0.9791 24. Maximum c?
Sums: 6 1

13. Sketch a histogram of the relative frequency data.

skew 14. What is the shape of the distribution?

1.56 15. z-score for 736

ordinary 16. Is the z-score for 736 ordinary or extraordinary value?

67.55 17. standard error of the sample mean

2.57 18. Find tcritical for a confidence level of 95%

173.65 19. margin of error E for the sample mean.

20. Write out the 95% confidence interval

304.35 ≤ μ ≤ 651.65

Micronesian shelter Users Year Number

1 286

2 316

3 554

4 463

5 513

6 736

78.57 25. slope

203 26. y-intercept

positive 27. Is the correlation positive, negative, or neutral?

753 28. predicted numberi in 07.

10.14 29. year in which 1000 homelessin Hawaii.

0.89 30. linear correlation coefficient r for the data.

high 31. Is the correlation none, low, moderate, high, or perfect?