MS 150 Statistics | Quiz 01 | Name:

27 Aug 2004 | 19 Jan 2005 | 26 Aug 2005 | 20 Jan 2006 | 18 Aug 2006 |19 Jan 2007 | 24 Aug 2007 | 18 January 2008 | 20 August 2008

Favorite colorFrequency fRelative Frequency
or p(color)
Blue 4831%
Black 3019%
Green 1711%
White 14 9%
Red 14 9%
Brown 11 7%
Purple 6 4%
Pink 6 4%
Gray 5 3%
Maroon 2 1%
Orange 1 1%
Yellow 1 1%
Sum (sample size):155100%
  1. __________ What is the sample size for the color data shown on the right?
  2. __________ What is the level of measurement for the color data as presented in rank order?
  3. __________ Based on the sample data, what might we infer to be the favorite color for students at the Palikir campus?
  4. _______________ What level of measurement would be the following list of favorite meats: chicken, tuna, pork, chicken, reef fish, pork, beef?
  5. __________ What level of measurement is your weight in pounds?
  6. __________ What is your weight in pounds?
  7. __________ What percent of your body is fat?
  8. __________ How many pounds of fat are in your body? Multiply your weight in pounds by your percent body fat to determine the number of pounds of fat in your body. Remember to convert the percent body fat to a decimal - your pounds of body fat cannot be more than your total pounds!
  9. __________ Can you survive with zero pounds of fat in your body?
  10. ____________________ List a non-communicable disease that may result from too much body fat.
  11. Which fitness level does your body fat percentage place you in?
    1. ___ Essential fat only
    2. ___ Athletic
    3. ___ Physically fit
    4. ___ Acceptable
    5. ___ Overfat
    6. ___ Obese

_________________________ If you had a baby boy, what would you name the baby?
_________________________ If you had a baby girl, what would you name the baby?