Seven absences results in withdrawal from the course. A late is one third of an absence.
Thus any combination of absences and lates that adds to seven will result in withdrawal.
For example, twenty-one lates would result in withdrawal.
All absences are initially considered unexcused and counted towards the seven absence limit.
Absences can be excused from the seven absence limit for medical or official education-related travel.
Appropriate documentation is required such as a note from the physician (doctor) or,
in the case of education-related travel,
some form of written or electronic communication from official sponsors of the travel.
No betelnut in class nor on campus except in the cultural huts.
No spitting over the balcony!
Quizzes and tests are given every Friday.
Quizzes and tests can and do occur on a Wednesday wherein Friday is a holiday.
Grading policy:
The number of points and their distribution vary from term to term. Terms tend to contain between 300 and 450 points. No one quiz, test, midterm, nor even the final will have a large impact on your final grade. You have do consistently well across all quizzes, tests and the mini-projects to succeed in this course.
Grading is based on the standard College policy: Obtain 90% of the points or more to
obtain an A, 80% to 89% for a B, and so forth.
Statistics mini-projects:
Four separate mini-projects are turned in. The first on the day of test one, the second on the day of test two, the third on the day of test three, the fourth is due on the penultimate Friday of class. The data for the mini-projects is based on a theme. Each mini-project will include the data and basic statistics as specified for that project.
Purely personal: Gather ratio level data that is purely personal. Report the sample size n, the minimum, the maximum, the range, the midrange, the mode, the median, the mean, the standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation. Make a frequency table. Make a five class frequency histogram chart. The data you use is your choice, but should be purely personal. The number of text messages you send, number of cups of coffee you drink, number of betelnut you chew per day, number of sodas per day, hours of sleep per night, number of minutes of running per day... Your sample size must be ten or more.
Paired data: Gather two variable data, at least five data pairs. Make a graph of the data. Report the slope, intercept, correlation, coefficient of determination.
Cyberspatial statistics: Gather data from an Internet source. Perform the appropriate statistical analyses on the data.
T-test: Rerun the same study you did for purely personal. Perform a two sample test for a difference in the means.
Academic Honesty Policy: Cheating on an assignment, quiz, test, midterm, or final will result in a score of zero for that assignment, quiz, or examination. Due to our cramped quarters, the course operates by necessity on a system of personal integrity and honor.
Course student learning outcomes assessment: Based on item analysis of final examination aligned to the outline. During term student assessment occurs at the end of each week, see above.
Learning outcomes in brief: Students will be able to...
Program Learning Outcomes:
3.1 Demonstrate understanding and apply mathematical concepts in problem solving and in day to day activities
3.2 Present and interpret numeric information in graphic forms Course Learning Outcomes:
Perform basic statistical calculations:
1.1 Identify levels of measurement and appropriate statistical measures for a given level of measurement.
1.2 Determine frequencies and relative frequencies, create histograms and identify their shape visually.
1.3 Calculate basic statistical measures of the middle, spread, and relative standing.
1.4 Calculate simple probabilities for equally likely outcomes.
1.5 Determine the mean of a distribution.
Obtain results using normal and t-distributions
2.1 Calculate probabilities using the normal distribution
2.2 Calculate the standard error of the mean
2.3 Find confidence intervals for the mean
2.4 Perform hypothesis tests against a known population mean using both confidence intervals and formal hypothesis testing
2.5 Perform t-tests for paired and independent samples using both confidence intervals and p-values
Perform linear regressions
3.1 Calculate the linear slope and intercept for a set of data
3.2 Calculate the correlation coefficient r
3.3 Generate predicted values based on the regression