Objective: Practice factorizations
Find the prime factorizations of the following numbers:
- 1 ____________________________
- 2 ____________________________
- 3 ____________________________
- 5 ____________________________
- 8 ____________________________
- 13 ____________________________
- 21 ____________________________
- 34 ____________________________
- 55 ____________________________
- 89 ____________________________
- 144 ____________________________
- 233 ____________________________
- 377 ____________________________
- 610 ____________________________
- 987 ____________________________
- 1597 ____________________________
- 2584 ____________________________
- 4181 ____________________________
- 6765 ____________________________
- 10946 ____________________________
Do any three consecutive numbers have common factors (the same factor appears in three
consecutive factorizations)? _________
Will any three consecutive numbers ever have common factors?
Fibonacci GCF and LCM exercises
- __________ What is the greatest common factor of 8 and 34?
- __________ What is the least common multiple of 8 and 34?
- __________ What is the greatest common factor of 8 and 144?
- __________ What is the least common multiple of 8 and 144?
- __________ What is the greatest common factor of 144 and 610?
- __________ What is the least common multiple of 144 and 610?
- __________ What is the greatest common factor of 144 and 2584?
- __________ What is the least common multiple of 144 and 2584?
- __________ What is the greatest common factor of 233 and 1597?
- __________ What is the least common multiple of 233 and 1597?