P.O. BOX 883

Kolonia, FSM 96941





College Suomi College                           1973-1975

Hancock, Michigan – AA Degree


Bethany College                                    1975-1978

Lindsborg, Kansas – BA Degree




Summer 1969                                        Micronesia Teacher Training Education


Summer 1970                                        Sponsored by University of Hawaii

Held in Pohnpei State, FSM

Funded by the National Science Foundation

Math Workshop and Introduction to Psychology


Summer 1971                                        Sponsored by Hono Chaminade University

Held in Majuro, Marshall Islands

Modern Math Workshop


Summer 1974                                        YMCA National Aquatic School

Certified Swimming Instructor


Summer 1980                                        Sponsored by University of Hawaii

Held in Pohnpei State, FSM

Introduction to Apple Computer I


Summer 1981                                        Sponsored by University of Hawaii

Held in Pohnpei State, FSM

Introduction to Apple Computer II


1982-1983                                             Capernwray Bible School

Carnford, England-Diploma


April 1985                                             Sponsored by University of Hawaii and Palau Mental

Health Department

Held in Palau                                       

Funded by the National Science Foundation

Participated in a two week Counseling Workshop


February 1986                                       Sponsored by University of Hawaii and

Palau Mental Health Department

Held in Palau

Participated in a two week follow-up Counseling Workshop


November 1987                                     Regional Office of United Bible Societies

Hong Kong and Philippine Bible Society


Management Training – One week in Hong Kong and one week

in the Philippines


February 1988                                       Thailand

For a period of one and  half week

Marketing and Management Training


September 1988                                    Budapest, Hungary

Management Training and reviewing of United Bible Studies present goals


Summer 1993                                        Guam Community College-Drivers Education

Attended a Drivers Education Course and got Certified to teach Drivers Ed.


Summer 1994 and

Summer 1995                                        Academic Leadership

Sponsored by Guam Community College in collaboration with a mainland university   The Academic Leadership involved mainly administrators and faculty.  The objective of the Academic Leadership focused on  developing goals and objectives and how the various departments and goals relate to the  overall goals and mission of the institution.    


September 2000                                    For a period of two weeks, participated in the Habitat for Humanity International Leadership and Management Conference in Thailand.


June 2002                                             For a period of one week, participated in a Habitat for Humanity International Leadership and Management Conference for the Pacific Region in Australia.




January 8, 2006                                     College of Micronesia-National (Full time)

                                                            Responsibility:  Teach Art


August 2005 to December 2005             College of Micronesia-National (Part time Contract)

                                                            Responsibility:  Taught Art 


May 2004                                             College of Micronesia- National (Part time Contract)

Responsibility:  Instructor – I participated in the Summer Bridge Program sponsored un the COM Student Support Program.  I was responsible to teach the class in a way to motivate and challenge the students to think critically in their approach to the classroom activities.  The main objective of the course was to help student achieve a higher academic level of   traditional academic courses that seem difficult to most Micronesian students.  Many effort was given to develop their vocabulary.  Strong vocabulary background will give the student the knowledge to comprehend their reading.     


1991 to 2002                                         Guam Community College

Mangilao, Guam

Responsibilities:  Campus Life Coordinator.  I was responsible to make monthly report, organized and support student activities, assist in organizing clubs, student government and oversee their activities.  Prepared annual budgets for Campus Life Office and the Pacific Endowment Prorgram.  Assist also in the annual budgeting process for the Student Government (COPSA) and the clubs.  My office was responsible to coordinate and conduct fall and spring Student Orientation for the College.  My responsibility at Campus Life also includes counseling with students and mainly the Micronesian students.  I also taught Drivers Education in the classroom and on the field.   Left to give more time to develop the work of Habitat for Humanity Micronesia.


Jan 1990-July 1990                                Mowil, Inc

Mangilao, Guam


Responsibilities:  Cut grass, transported employees to job sites.  Left totry and become self-employed by selling insurance and selling art works.


1987-1989                                             Bible Society of Micronesia

Agana, Guam


Responsibilities:  Oversaw the operation of the Bible Society of Micronesia activities which involved translation, promotions, and distribution. Reported regularly to United Bible Societies Regional Office in Hong Kong.  Left because of a difference of opinion between myself and the Bible Society of Micronesia Advisory Committee.


1984-1985                                             Micronesian Outward Bound Inc.

Pohnpei, FSM


Responsibilities:  Coordinated the regular 22-day program which involved supervising the instructors during the week-long intensive survival. training that prepared the youth for outings in the ocean, mountains and in the community.  Worked closely with FSM Supreme Court and Pohnpei State court in providing progressive reports on prisoners/youth referred to the program.  Provided alternative sentencing program for youth convicted under the court system.  Left to join the Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ in Guam.


1980-1982                                             Pacific Island Central High School

Pohnpei, FSM


Responsibilities:  Taught English for Freshmen; taught Art to students in the Upward Bound Program; also advisor to Student Body Council.  Left to go to England to attend Bible School.


Summer 1979                                        Good Shepherd Mission

Kansas City, MO


Responsibilities:  coordinated activities for all ages from 6 through the teens; supervised Arts and Craft activities for younger children and

recreation activities for teenagers.  Left USA after graduating from college.


Summer 1977                                        Camp Tomah Shinga

Junction City, Kansas


Responsibilities:  Supervised the daily activities of counselors and campers.  Met daily with counselors to discuss activities, problems and other needs.  Reported weekly to the Camp Director.  Communicated with parents when campers experienced problems while at camp.  Left to return to college.


Summer 1976                                        Camp Tomah Shinga

Junction City, Kansas


Responsibilities:  Maintained campground and helped out in the evening camp activities.  Left to return to college.


Summer 1974                                        YMCA Storer Camp

Jackson, Michigan


Responsibilities:  Supervised regular routine activities for each 9-day camp program.  Provided swimming instruction for non-swimmers.  Left to return to college.


1969-1973                                             Ebeye Public Elementary School

Kwajalein, Marshall Islands


Responsibilities:  Taught Science and English to 7th and 8th grades.  Left to the mainland to attend college.


1968-1996                                             Parem Elementary School

Pohnpei State, FSM


Responsibilities:  Taught all curriculum courses to 7th and 8th grades.  Submitted all reports due to the Department of Education.  Was transferred to Ebeye Elementary School.





2004                                                     Kolonia, Pohpei

Helped to reorganize the Nukuoro Association of Pohnpei


2005                                                     Kolonia, Pohnpei

Organized Habitat for Humanity FSM and became the president


2005                                                    Kolonia, Pohnpei

Became member of Lion Pohnpei Club and assisted in revisiting their Bylaws and Article of Incorportion and also assisted in developing a partnership between Habitat and Lions in Pohnpe.

2003                                                     Guam

Assisted in Organizing the Island Community Church on Guam and was ordained as a minister.


2000                                                     Guam

Assisted in organizing the FSM Association of Guam and was elected president.


2000                                                     Guam

Help to organize Habitat for Humanity Micronesia and was elected to be the president.


2002                                                     Guam

Travel to Chuuk, Pohnpei, Kosrae, Kwajalein/Ebeye, and Majuro, Marshall to provide training on the basics of Habitat for Humanity International.


1995                                                     Helped to organize the Pohnpei United Church on Guam for the Pohnpeian community on Guam.  Also became ordained as a minister.


1989-1990                                             Guam

Organized the Kapingamarangi and Nukuoro Association


1988                                                     Republic of the Marshall Islands

Invited to the 9th Marshall Islands Youth Convention as a guest speaker.


1986                                                     Amsterdam, Holland

Took part in a two week International Evangelism Conference where 10,000 Evangelists from 119 countries participated.


1985                                                     Pohnpei State, FSM

Ordained as a layman. 


1982-1983                                             England

Led two outreach teams for one week each respectively, doing Evangelistic work in Manchester and Burnley.


1980 to 1984                                         Pohnpei State, FSM

Volunteered to organize and support ministries at Pohnpei State Prison, Micronesia Community College, and some of the local church youth groups.



1978                                                     Topeka, Kansas

Volunteer work for physically handicapped youth.  Helped tutor High School students; this was arranged through the United Way.


1976                                                     Lindsborg, Kansas

Organized the first International Student organization and became the president for that year in Bethany College.


1975 to 1977                                         Lindsborg, Kansas

Joined a weekend Youth Ministry Team.  Traveled around the Midwest region to work with youth groups.


1974-1975                                             Hancock, Michigan

Member of the Student Council at Suomi College


1975                                                     Hancock, Michigan

Lead a Student Delegation with a Legal Service Lawyer to meet Restaurant and

Bar owners in Hancock who closed their services to the Micronesian students attending Suomi College.  Results:  After the case was reported to Washington DC, an order mandated businesses involved to open their doors to the Micronesians or face the Federal Superior court.  It was a victory to the Suomi Student Council and the Micronesians attending Suomi College.


1967-1968                                             Pohnpei State, FSM

Senior Class President