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M E M O R A N D U M October 3, 2007 To: All Concerned From: President, COM-FSM Subject: President’s Update #299 Accreditation Although the next accreditation reaffirmation visit for the College is still over two years away, March 2010, President James has established an accreditation committee that will start working on the Self-Study Report beginning October 1, 2007. The Co-chair for the Self-Study Report and Chairperson for each of the Four Standards are appointed by the President as follows: ALO, Joe Saimon and President James as co-chairs for the overall accreditation committee and the writing of the Self-Study Report; VPA Charles Musana as chairperson for Mission; IRPO Director Jimmy Hicks as chairperson for Standard II, Programs (Instructional and Student Services); VPSS Ringlen Ringlen as chairperson for Standard III Resources; and Staff Senate President Joe Habuchmai as chairperson for Standard IV. The deadline for completing the final draft of the Self-Study Report for the accreditation reaffirmation visit in March 2010 is November 2009. The writing of the Self-Study Report will involve the whole college community. The draft copy of the Report should be distributed to all members of the college community for comments and inputs before the final draft is put together for submission to the COM-FSM Board of Regents for review and action. After the Board of Regents approval and blessing of the report, the final report will then be submitted to the Accrediting Commission for Junior and Community Colleges (ACJCC) of Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for their action. College of Micronesia-FSM still has a Progress Report to submit in October 15, 2008 before the reaffirmation for accreditation visit in March 2010. Board of Regents Governor Sebastian Anefal of Yap State informed President James on August 30, 2007, that he had nominated Mrs. Mary Figir as the new Regent for the State of Yap. The FSM Congress confirmed Mrs. Figir’s nomination at their recently concluded meeting in September 2007 to fill the vacated seat created when the former Regent Joseph Habuchmai resigned from the Board. We have not received any communication from the Governor of Kosrae or President of the FSM regarding the new BOR appointee for Kosrae State. The Regent from the State of Chuuk is completing the three years term for the former Regent John Sound and his term will expire in December 2007. Budgets The College of Micronesia-FSM has not heard from the FSM Congress regarding its FY 2008 budget. However, it is possible that by Wednesday, 10/03/07, afternoon the College may learn more about the status of its 2008 budget. Most of the FY09 campus, division and office line item budgets that had been submitted to the Comptroller and Vice Presidents were returned for adjustment, particularly those that reflected a more than 5% increase in expenditure over the FY’08 budget. Once resubmitted, the Vice Presidents will confer with unit and campus heads to balance the budget based on FY09 institutional priorities. The final budgets from fiscal year‘s 2009 budget will be reviewed by the Cabinet and then recommended to the Board of Regents for approval at their December 2007 meeting. The Board of Regents approved FY 2009 budget will also be subjected to review and scrutiny by the FSM National Government’s Budget Review Committee before the FSM President’s blessing and transmittal to the FSM Congress for final approval. Student Body Association (SBA) Officers at the COM-FSM Campuses Students at four of the six campuses within the COM-FSM System have elected their SBA Officers for the school year 2007-2008. The campuses that have elected their SBA Officers included FMI, Kosrae, National, and Pohnpei Campuses. Given below are the photos and names of the officers from the campuses that have submitted their election results:
Yap Upward Bound Program Finally Approved forFunding In May 2007 the College of Micronesia-FSM was initially informed by the US Department of Education that Yap Upward Bound Program’s application for new cycle of funding was determined to be ineligible. The reason being that the new proposal used a program that was not certified by the TRIO Programs (Upward Bound). However, the College appealed the US Department of Education and the appeal was granted. On September 7, 2007, the US Department of Education informed the College that Yap Upward Bound Program is funded again for another 4 years. This is great news for Yap Upward Bound Program and the College as a whole. Reminder to Students That Signed MOU On Their Outstanding Balances This is a reminder to students that signed memorandum of understanding (MOU) for their outstanding balances during the registration week for Fall Semester 2007. The intent of the COM-FSM policy that allowed you to sign the subject MOU is to have you clear your account before you register for Spring Semester 2008. Stop at the President’s Office if you have questions on your current balance. Students are also reminded that their registration fee of $50.00 must be paid upon registration and this fee cannot be waived or credited. APAFS Essay Competition Winner at the COM-FSM The College of Micronesia-FSM has selected a winner, Ms. Eileen Joel, who obtained an average of 76% on her essay entitled “Unemployment of Youth in the FSM” as a Regional Economic Issue. The runners up, Ms. Mihne Pretrick and Mr. Kennedy Nedlic, obtained an average of 71% and 52% respectively. Mihne’s essay was entitled “Economic Issues in the Federated States of Micronesia”, and Kennedy’s “Introducing Inflation and People’s Issues”. The evaluation of student essays was done by a 3 member panel: Mr. Danny Dumantay, COM-FSM Comptroller; Mr. Kenneth Welles, Business Faculty; and Mr. Charles Musana, Vice President for Administration. It was an openly contested competition and all students of the college –at all 6 campuses – were given the opportunity to participate. Only 3 students capitalized on the opportunity, all are from the National Campus. The winning student’s photo is given below. The prize for the winning essay is an all expense paid (free to the student) trip to the APAFS Investment Conference in Manila, Philippines where she will be presenting her essay to the APAFS Board of Directors. Thirty Six New Peace Corp Volunteers Toured National Campus Thirty six (36) new Peace Corp Volunteers for the FSM, Republic of the Marshalls, and the Republic of Palau, toured the COM-FSM National Campus on Wednesday, September 26, 2007. The tour was conducted by Mr. Joe Saimon, Director of Development and Community Relations for the College. The new volunteers will be assigned to schools in Micronesia and they will be teaching the ESL courses. The new focus by the Peace Corp Micronesia Program will complement the efforts by the College of Micronesia-FSM’s on working with the school systems in the FSM to improve and or bridge the gap between high schools and the College. The College admits high schools from the FSM high schools who lacks sufficient skills in English language, in reading, writing and computation to perform at the postsecondary level in college courses. President James and VPIA Jean Thoulag Welcoming the Peace Corp Volunteers to National Campus FSM-China Friendship Sport Center the Site for Tuna Commission’s Conference Over 100 participants from countries all over the world attended a week long Tuna Commission’s “Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC)” meeting at the National Campus. Participants of the Tuna Commission Conference at the China-FSM Sport Center Thank you.