Integrated Project






What is the Integrated Project?

Each semester the IEP students devote one day a week to work on a project which integrates the skills they are learning. In past projects, the students have mapped the town of Kolonia, researched career opportunities, and studied the island's culture. The projects are designed so that the students use their skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, math and social studies or science--thus the project is integrated.

Fall Semester 2002 Integrated Project

This semester we have been following several of the topics in our text book "Interactions II" from McGraw Hill. These topics include: education, business, culture and careers. Each instructor has designed a three week curriculum including in- and out-of-class activities. The students have had guest speakers, made several field trips, conducted surveys, and explored the Internet. The end product of this project is the creation of a web page which documents some of their activities. 

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