ESL 071—Integrated English—Writing

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 1:30-2:25 Rm 2


Instructor:            David Jenkins            


Office Hours:            M/W/F 2:30—3:30  T/Th 11:30—12:30


Course Objectives:


This course is designed to help students improve their English language skills by practicing writing.  Basic structure, such as grammar and mechanics, will be covered and writing assignments will be given to improve sentence structure and paragraph development.  The final outcome is to write a variety of different types of paragraphs.




Interactions One: A Writing Process Book, 3rd Edition




                        Quizzes:                       20%            (sentence writing and structure)

                        Assessment:                20%            (class participation/homework)

Midterm:              20%            (paragraph writing and grammar)

Final:                              40%            (in-class essay and grammar)







                                    F=Below 60


Course Work:


It is important that you turn in all assignments on time.  Bring your textbook to class each meeting and be prepared to write and do exercises in class.  Homework is also important and should be turned in on time.  You will be given extra handouts to help you improve your English language skills.




Students who are absent for more than six classes can be automatically dropped from the course.  A total of six includes both excused and unexcused absences.


If you are more than five minutes late to a class, you can be marked as having missed half a class.  If you are more than ten minutes late to class, you can be marked as having missed the whole class.