ESL 079—Study Skills

Tuesday/Thursday 3:00-4:25 Rm 2


Instructor:         David Jenkins              


Office Hours:    Monday/Wednesday 1:30-3:30; Friday 2:30-3:30



Course Objectives:

The goal of this course is to help students improve their academic study skills and to strengthen those skills across subject areas.  Exercises given during class time and used for homework assignments should further help students reinforce academic areas such as reading, writing, and grammar.


Study Skills for Students of English, by Richard C. Yorkey



                                    Midterm:                                  20%

                                    Final:                                        30%

                                    Quizzes/homework:                  30%

                                    Participation/Attendance:          20%






                                    F=Below 60


Attendance Policy:

Students who are absent for more than four sessions can be automatically dropped from the course.  A total of four includes both excused and unexcused absences.

If you come more than ten minutes late to class you can be marked absent for half the class.  If you come more than twenty minutes late, you can be marked absent for the whole class.

 Course Work:

  We will be doing lots of exercises from the textbook in class to help you improve your English language skills. You will also be given extra handouts for homework. These activities will include reading, some writing, and grammar.  It is important for you to finish all assignments on time.