SPRING2003   (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)        (1:30PM– 2:25PM)

(Tuesday and Thursday)                    (1:30PM-2: 55PM)


INSTRUCTOR:     Berni Dimaliwat    Tel # 320-3795    e-mail: kuping@mail.fm


OFFICE HOURS  12:00 –1:00 PM at IEP Room or in the computer lab


COURSE DESCRIPTION:   This course will cover Chapters 1 through 11 of the textbook.


TEXTBOOK: Introductory Algebra an Applied Approach by Aufmann, Barker, Lockwood (published by Houghton Mifflin).6th edition


GRADING POLICY:    The following approximate scale will be used to determine your final grade.


90 – 100 = A

        80 – 89    = B

        70 – 79    = C

        60 – 69    = D

        Below 60 = F


Grades will be computed on the basis of:


        50%                Weekly Exams

        20%        Midterm Exams

        30%                Finals Exemption is granted to those with an A average before the Finals.


        A maximum BONUS of 5% will be added to your grade if you have perfect attendance. Each absence is one percent deduction from the BONUS.

        Unexcused absence from an exam will result in a zero for that exam. If you will be absent on a particular day, you must inform the office or me before the class.

        “A” average is defined as the weighted average of the quizzes and the midterms.


ATTENDANCE POLICY:   Every student is allowed NINE (9) excused or unexcused absences. A TENTH (10th) absence means an automatic Instructor Withdrawal or an F depending on when the 7th absence occurs. You will be given a written Notice of Accumulated Absences for 5 absences and a Final Warning when you incur your NINTH absence.





Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges