Syllabus           SC101     Health Science       Spring 03


Instructor: Fran Chaine                  MWF 3:30 – 4:25 pm           Room 5

Office Hours:  MTWF 8:30-9:30, before and after classes in my office or classroom.


DESCRIPTION:  This course is a course, which introduces basic human anatomy and its functions, disease and disease carriers, nutrition, physical and mental health and illnesses, drug and sex education, environmental and community health.


TEXTBOOK: Authors: Gordon Edlin, Eric Golany and Kelli McCormack Brown: Health and Wellness Jones and Bartlett Publishers


SUPPLIES: Pen/pencil and eraser, folder paper, 3-ring binder to organize handouts


METHODS OF INSTRUCTION will be lecture, class discussion and written exercises, video tapes/guides, Overhead Visuals and Computer Projected information, Guest speakers.


OTHER RESOURCES: Anatomical models, Videos, Visual Aids for Anatomy and Nutrition charts.  The New Handbook of South Pacific Nutrition: Susan Parkinson and Julian Lambert.  South Pacific Foods, Leaflets #1-18.



COM-FSM Attendance policy will be followed strictly.  More than 6 absences will mean withdrawal from the course. 

TARDY:  My policy is to count tardiness as partial absences.  After 5 minutes, it is 0.1 Absence for every 5 minutes late.

Each student must sign the Attendance Sheet at the beginning of each class period or risk being counted absent.  Do not sign for friends.


Call the College Office (320-3795) to leave a message for a “validated” absence or call or email Mrs. Chaine (320-4616) You are responsible for all classroom assignments, quizzes and tests, even for “validated” absences. Graded work should be made up within a week of absence.



30% Class and Homework


40% Exams 

20% Quizzes

10 % Participation/Attendance

A 89.50 -100% of total points possible 

B 79.50 - 89.49% 

C 69.50 - 79.49% 

D 59.50 - 69.49% 

F 59.49% and below

Your Grade is calculated based on Total Points earned divided by Total Points Possible for each graded assignment, quiz or exam. 

Late assignments/quiz makeup have 10% grade penalty. 

Copied assignments will receive a grade of 0.

ORAL Report assignments are due the day they are scheduled.

No Midterm or Final Makeup without PRIOR consent.



Show respect towards others in the classroom. Work cooperatively and critically in groups.

Please make an organized binder of your work, present and past until the class ends in December. Bring your handouts to class everyday.  Being organized is the first step to success.

Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing, spitting aren’t permitted in the classroom

Question results!  Check each other’s work!  Each person must learn for himself


1. Define health as a concept in several ways.

     a. Describe the three theoretical models of health behavior.

2. Explain the relationship between health and human behavior.

a.      relate the importance of adaptation in relationship to health and disease.

3. Identify the 12 body systems and various structures of the human anatomical systems.

Skin System

a.      Describe the organization of the body from cell to the whole organism.

b.      List 6 functions of the skin

c.      Define the 3 main layers of the skin

d.      Describe the location and functions of six appendages of the skin.

e.      List the main diseases of the skin

Skeletal System

a.      List the functions of the skeletal system.

b.      List the bones of the axial and appendicular skeleton.

c.      Define three types of joints based on type of movement.

d.      Describe the structure of the synovial joint and give 6 examples of synovial joints.

e.      Describe four types of arthritis.

Muscular System

a.      Briefly describe three types of muscle.

b.      List the 3 general functions of the muscular system.

c.      Name some of the major muscle groups and describe the main function of each.

d.      List the major muscular disorders.

e.      Describe the measures of physical fitness and the components of muscular strength by isotonic, isometric exercises, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.

Digestive System

a.      Name and describe the organs of the digestive system.

b.      List the functions of the different organs of the digestive tract.

c.      Name some of the disorders of the digestive tract.

Respiratory System

a.      Describe the purpose of the respiratory system.

b.      Name the structures of the respiratory system.

c.      Explain the mechanism of pulmonary ventilation.

d.      List and define several kinds of respiratory infection.

Urinary System

a.      Name three normal and three abnormal constituents of urine.

b.      Describe five disorders involving urine and body fluids.

Nervous System

a.      Describe the organization of the nervous system according to structure and function.

b.      List some of the functions of different parts of the brain.

Endocrine System

a.      Identify the glands of the endocrine system.

b.      List the hormones of each gland and describe the effects of each on the body.

Cardiovascular (Circulatory) System

a.      Describe the basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system.

b.      List the blood composition and function.

c.      Define blood type and explain its importance in blood transfusions.

d.      Differentiate between the three main types of vessels in the body with regard to structure and function.

e.      Describe the progression of Heart Disease.

f.        Identify ways to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

g.      Describe the development and outcome of cerebrovascular accidents.

h.      List the various kinds of diseases that affect the circulatory system.

i.        Explain the emergency care given to possible victims of heart attack and stroke.

Lymphatic system

a.      Differentiate between the three main types of vessels in the body with regard to structure and function.

Reproductive System

a.      Name the female and male gonads and describe the function of each

b.      Describe the functions of the main male and female sex hormones.

4. Explain the body functions and the relation of each system to one another.

      a. Explain how heat is produced and maintained in the body

5. Enumerate the causes and prevention of communicable diseases.

a.      Describe the characteristics of the major pathogens: bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, rickettsia and metazoa.

b.      Explain the elements and methods of transmission that pose the chain of infection.

c.      Identify various defense mechanisms: environmental, constitutional, structural, cellular, and chemical.

d.      Describe the role of chemotherapy, sanitary engineering, and preventative health practices in controlling the spread of disease.

e.      Describe what is known about the occurrence, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of many common diseases.

f.        Describe the characteristics of the most prevalent sexually transmitted diseases.

6. Explain the importance of human behavior in the occurrence of noncommunicable disease.

a.      Identify the types of cancerous tumors and the prevalence of cancer.

b.      Describe the factors that contribute to cancer.

c.      Describe cancer counter-measures of prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and treatment.

d.      Describe the physiological problem of allergy, asthma, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

7. Specify the body part that is affected by a particular kind of disease.

a. Describe what is known about the occurrence, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of many common diseases.

8. Identify and explain the functions of the 7 basic constituents of food.

a.      Compare the energy content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

b.      Explain the role of vitamins and minerals in nutrition and give examples of each.

9. Explain the nutritional content of various foods endemic to Micronesia.

10. Define the concept of total fitness and the essential characteristics and considerations of a physical fitness program.

a.      Describe the measures of physical fitness and the components of muscular strength by isotonic, isometric exercises, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.

11. Discuss the effects of drugs on the human body, human behavior, and their consequences for families and society.

a.      Describe the meanings of the terms drug and chemotherapy.

b.      Differentiate between drug use and drug abuse, and the major risks involved.

c.      Explain he effects of drugs, including narcotics, sedative-hypnotics and inhalants, stimulants, psychedelics, and marijuana.

d.      Relate the types of treatment and rehabilitation available for drug users.

12. Explain the sexual maturation of adolescents.

a.      Describe the occurrence of a growth spurt and the specific difference in body development.

b.      Explain the maturation process for both males and females.

c.      Describe briefly the major disorders of the male and female reproductive systems.

13. Describe the process of conception and the influence of heredity and environment on the development of a human organism.

a.      Identify the factors that determine fertility.

b.      Describe the fertilization process and the early development of a fertilized egg.

c.      Briefly describe the four stages of labor, alternate birthing methods and birth complications

14. Explain the importance of family planning to, and its effects on, the nuclear family.

a.      Describe methods of contraception and birth control.

b.      Describe the various contraceptive methods available here and in other areas.

15. Explain how health is affected by environmental pollution.

a. Identify the principal environmental pollutants and their hazards to health.





Text Reading and Worksheet Assignments


Course Overview

Defining Health and Wellness


Health and Wellness: C1: Achieving Wellness

pp: 4-17

Quiz 1: Vocabulary p. 4 - 7

Quiz 2:  Learning Objectives p 527


Workbook: Achieving Personal Health p 527-29

Critical Thinking about Health Questions



Levels of organization

Directions and Planes of Division


Handouts, Class notes, Video and video notes to be announced


1. Integumentary (Skin)

7. Respiratory


2. Skeletal

8. Urinary


3. Articulation

9. Circulatory


4. Muscular

10. Lymph


5. Nervous

11. Reproductive


6. Digestive

12. Endrocrine


Disease and disease carriers

Communicable, Cardiovascular, Cancer, other Non-communicable diseases.


Personal Health Concerns

Diet, Fitness, Mental Health


Sex Education

Human Sexuality, conception, Family Planning, Population Problems



Mood Modification and Psychoactive Drugs, Tobacco, Alcohol, Drug Use and Abuse


Public Health Concerns

Community Health, Environmental Health