College of Micronesia: Pohnpei Campus

Spring 2003

ESL 079: Study Skills

MWF 3:30-4:25

Instructor: Dale Griffith

E-Mail: grifd2000(

Office Hours: M, T, W, F 11:00-12:00


Course Description:

This course is designed to develop analytical and interpretive skills by the use of college level essays.



Improving College Reading. Seventh edition.


Required Materials:

Please bring textbook, notebooks and writing materials to class. It is expected that students shall take notes during this class.


Classroom Policy:

Students are encouraged to participate. There is no gum chewing or spitting allowed in this class. Once class begins students are not allowed to leave the class for any reason without pennission from the instructor. Leaving class without the instructor’s permission shall be counted as an absence. Leaving class to spit is not considered a valid reason for disrupting the class.



Cheating will not be tolerated. Students are expected to do their own work assignments. All written work in this class must be the student’s own work as well. If caught cheating both the student who did the cheating as well as the student whose work was copied shall receive failing marks.



The final grade will be divided between classroom quizzes and three papers that shall be written for this class. The final grade will be weighted towards the papers.



Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period on the due date. Assignments not turned in on time will lose points. Classroom quizzes cannot be made up.


Attendance Policy:

Students must attend class and be on time. According to school policy a student shall be dropped from the class, regardless of grade, after 6 absences. Any student arriving up to ten minutes late for class will be given half an absence. Any student arriving more than ten minutes late shall be given a full absence.