SPRING 2003    (Monday-Wednesday-Friday)        (2:30PM– 3:25PM)


INSTRUCTOR:     Berni Dimaliwat    Tel # 320-3795    e-mail: kuping@mail.fm


OFFICE HOURS  12:00NOON –1:00 PM in the IEP Room

COURSE DESCRIPTION:   This course will cover Chapters 1 through Chapter 5.2 of the textbook.


TEXTBOOK: Algebra and Trigonometry, 5th edition by Larson & Hostetler (published by Houghton Mifflin).


GRADING POLICY:    The following approximate scale will be used to determine your final grade.


90 – 100 = A

        80 – 89    = B

        70 – 79    = C

        60 – 69    = D

        Below 60  = F


Grades will be computed on the basis of:


        50%                Bi-weekly Exams

        20%        Midterm Exams

        30%                Finals Exemption is granted to those with an A average before the Finals.


        A maximum BONUS of 5% will be added to your grade if you have perfect attendance. Any absence is one percent deduction from the BONUS.

        Short Quizzes are unannounced exams and given when most of the students don’t do the homework. Points (1 to 5 points) are awarded and added to the next weekly exam.

        Homework is not graded. You are however advised to do the assigned numbers. Quizzes are usually patterned after the homework.

        Unexcused absence from an exam will result in a zero for that exam. If you will be absent on a particular day, you must inform the office or me before the class.


Accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges

ATTENDANCE POLICY:   Every student is allowed SIX (6) excused or unexcused absences. A SEVENTH (7th) absence means an automatic Instructor Withdrawal or an F depending on when the 7th absence occurs. You will be given a written Notice of Accumulated Absences for 3 absences and a Final Warning when you incur your SIXTH absence.