Quiz 05

  1. What is a RAID array?

  2. What type of compressed file format should be used for the following photographic image?
    20010924markybd03.jpg (7454 bytes)
    What type of compressed file format should be used for the following paintbrush drawing?
    leverclassthree.gif (2843 bytes)
  3. What does WORM stand for as used in the phrase: CD-R is a WORM format.

  4. Give an example of FIELD using the Excel spreadsheet database seen below:
    excel_as_database.gif (5944 bytes)
  5. Give an example of a RECORD from the Excel spreadsheet database seen above.

  6. Mark the following as True or False:010727mardresswalk.jpg (15610 bytes)
    __ An Excel spreadsheet database can have blank columns
    __ An Excel spreadsheet database can be sorted
    __ An Excel spreadsheet database can have blank rows
    __ An Excel spreadsheet database usually has multiple items per single row

  7. Once a week I run a process that recalculates all of my grades and prints out grade reports.  Is this a batch process or transactional processing.

  8. After I've scanned a picture, what kind of editing can I do on the picture using the Arcsoft software on A204-29 (use back of paper if you need more space)?

  9. What's unusual about the baby picture on the right?