IS 201 Quiz 09
- Under HTML 4.01 Strict HTML tags such as <center> and <font> are deprecated.
What is the meaning of a "deprecated" HTML element?
- The color keywords chocolate, sienna, papayawhip, and wheat are associated with which
version of Cascading Style Sheets?
- CSS1
- CSS2
- CSS3
- Why are "insiders" considered a risk exposure by information systems personnel
with respect to hacking?
- Write down a secure password for a mission critical business systems server.
- I have received an email from a friend with an attachment marked
"christmas_holiday_card.exe" What should I do?
- What is a firewall?
- What is a computer virus?
- What is an urban legend?
- I have received an email that tells me not to break the chain. To how many people should
I forward the email?
- Can your employer legally monitor everything you do on the computer?
- Can the College legally monitor what web sites you visit?
- What do you see as the Micronesian cultural impact of the availability of online
- Should you be allowed to access pornographic web sites?
- Why should you or why should you not be allowed to access pornographic web sites?