IS 201 Quiz 10

List the generic name for the following fonts (serif, sans-serif, monospace, cursive, fantasy)

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies._______

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies._______

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies._______

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies._______

The sly brown fox jumped quickly over the lazy dog.
The lawnmower mowed the lawn.
Lilly Lilliput likes lillies._______

  1. What are some advantages to using HTML and CSS for your everyday document production?

  2. What are some disadvantages to using HTML and CSS for your everyday document production?

  3. What do software such as Adobe Pagemaker, Quark Xpress, and Microsoft Publisher do?

  4. FROM THE STAND POINTOF GOOD TYPOGRAPHY, list the things that are wrong with this crazy crazy crazy sentence.

  5. List some things you should to prevent positional and repetitive strain injuries.