Science Program Outcomes

Students will be able to...

  1. define fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of science.
  2. gather scientific information through experiments, field work, and research.
  3. perform experiments that support the development of scientific theory.
  4. utilize appropriate laboratory and field work procedures.
  5. interpret and express the results of experiments.
  6. explain observations of new phenomenon, systems, and entities, using the theories of science.


  1. Inductive/inferential/internal: Professionally qualified instructors using outlines based on measurable student learning outcomes and provided with the necessary texts and technology will produce grades that reliably measure achievement of outcomes.
  2. Deductive/external: As a non-degree granting internal sequence the program will not be measured by a program specific capstone test or experience. The program will recommend that an external test designed to measure attainment of general education outcomes, to which this program contributes, be given late in the student's degree program. The test would be a measurement only, and not binding on graduation.