SC/SS 115 Ethnobotany Spring 2003 Midterm Name:______________


_____ Araucaria columnarisA. Aromatic clove tree
_____ Cinnamomum ponapense B. Betel leaf
_____ Coffea robustaC. Black pepper
_____ Cycas rumphiiD. Coffee
_____ Ficus elasticusE. Cycad
_____ Myristica fragransF. Elastic rubber tree
_____ Piper betelG. Fragrant nutmeg tree
_____ Piper methysticumH. Kava (sakau)
_____ Piper nigrumI. Cook Island Pine
_____ Piper ponapenseJ. Pohnpei cinnamon tree (madeu)
_____ Syzygium aromaticumK. Pohnpei pepper vine (konok)
  1. The young leaves of the guava tree are most commonly used to treat:
    1. diarhea
    2. fever
    3. head colds
    4. menstrual cramping
    5. toothache
  2. What conclusion might an ethnobotanist draw from the widespread usage of Clerodendrum inerme in the treatment of fever in many Pacific island cultures?
    1. That Clerodendrum inerme fever usage information cannot be published without careful protection of indigenous intellectual property rights.
    2. That Clerodendrum inerme is effective in reducing fevers.

    3. That Clerodendrum inerme is ethnobotanically irrelevant due to its widespread usage.
    4. That Clerodendrum inerme usage is probably a well kept secret not shared with outsiders.
  3. Which of the following plants in the Botanic garden use cones with pollen as part of their reproductive cycle? (Circle all that apply)
    1. Bird's nest fern
    2. Black pepper
    3. Breadfruit
    4. Clove tree
    5. Coffee
    6. Cycad
    7. Nutmeg tree
    8. Pine tree
  4. _____ Is the Lycopodiella cernua plant found on the sunny hill beyond the gym botanically related to the Cook Island pine trees of the Botanic garden?
  5. Label the parts in the following image:
    e31lycocernmorph (8K)
    1. __________
    2. __________
    3. __________
  6. Give the leaf types shown in the following image:
    gymnospermleaftypes (29K)
    1. __________
    2. __________
    3. __________
  7. _________________________ Name one plant with strobili from any of our field trips.
  8. What is the difference between a gametophyte and a sporophyte?
  9. What do we as a class now think is possibly the original word for "dance" in Kosraen?
  10. Give one local use for the "christmas tree" plant, Lycopodiella cernua found on sunny hilltops in Palikir (either in your own culture or another culture)?
  11. Ethnobotanists specialize in being observant, listening carefully, and picking up new words very rapidly. Very often ethnobotanists must refrain from writing when interviewing a traditional person knowledgeable in plants because the act of writing might make the person uncomfortable. How well do you pick up and retain spoken information that you did not write down: What was the name of the star fruit (Latin name: Averrhoa carambola, Pohnpei: ansu) in the Caribbean?
  12. What is the importance of cyanobacteria (Nostoc)?
  13. Why don't we see baby Cook Island Pine trees on Pohnpei?
  14. What is the meaning of the term gymnosperm?
  15. What is a fertile frond and why is it important in identifying ferns?
  16. Describe the process by which ferns discharge their spores.

  17. fernmorphology (30K)
    Explain the function and botanical importance of fern sori.
  18. Based on the healing plant presentations, give the local name of a plant in a Micronesian language other than your own language AND the use of that plant in that culture.
  19. [Short essay. Use separate sheet as necessary.] What is the value, if any, of sharing knowledge of each others cultural uses of plants?