A RipStik was swizzled across a poster pad paper. The swizzle wave can be seen in the diagram below.
_________ How many wavelengths are there on the "paper" above?
λ = _________ _________ Determine the wavelength λ of one wave of the RipStik swizzle wave.
a = _________ _________ Determine the amplitude a of the RipStik swizzle wave.
τ = _________ _________ The RipStik took a duration of 0.92 seconds to travel the 80 centimeters seen on the diagram above. Calculate the period τ for the RipStik swizzle wave.
f = _________ _________ Calculate the RipStik swizzle wave frequency f.
ѵwave = _________ _________ Use the wavelength λ and frequency f to calculate the velocity ѵwave of the RipStik swizzle wave.
τ = _________ _________ A ball bounces 10 times in 4 seconds. What is the period of the bouncing ball?
f = _________ _________ A ball bounces 10 times in 4 seconds. What is the frequency for the bouncing ball?
τ = ________ _________ While gathering data for laboratory nine, a clapper clapping in synch with the echo claps 20 times in ten seconds. Based on this data, what is the period for the echo (the out-and-back time)?
velocity ѵ = _________ _________ During ten seconds a clapper claps 20 times. The echo flight distance is measured as being 175 meters. Based on this data, what is the speed of sound?
distance d = velocity ѵ * time t
period τ = 1 ÷ (frequency f )
velocity ѵ = wavelength λ * frequency f