MS 150 Statistics fall 2006 test one • Name:

For each type of data shown write the appropriate measure of the middle and, if any, the appropriate measure of the spread of the data. For each data type, determine the appropriate value for the middle. Think of this problem this way: imagine a friend has brought the following three sets of data to you and asks you to determine the most appropriate measure of the middle and spread.

Data set one: Seasons: winter, fall, spring, summer, breadfruit (nanrek), scarcity (nanisol), tradewind (nanpar), cold (puhlan pacl ohu), dry (tuhka), hot (puhlan pack fol)
Data set two: Sakau market ratings (cups until sakaula):
Pwopwida: tal tal | Song mahs: tal tal tal | Stroke: tal tal tal tal
6-11: tal tal tal tal tal | No choice: tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal tal
Data set three: Prices of ramen in dollar: 0.25, 0.35, 0.55, 1.00

Data set Level of measurement Appropriate function to measure middle Value of the middle measure Appropriate function to measure spread Value of the spread measure
1.   (none)(n/a)
Fall 98 692
Spring 99 641
Fall 99 799
Spring 00 684
Fall 00 858
Spring 01 746
Fall 01 941
Spring 02 795
Fall 02 946
Spring 03 837
Fall 03 947
Spring 04 842
Fall 04 914
Spring 05 801
Fall 05 899
Spring 06 796

The data at the left is the total enrollment at COM-FSM national campus from Fall 1998 to Spring 2006. Use the enrollment data for the following questions.

  1. __________ Find the sample size n.
  2. __________ Find the minimum enrollment.
  3. __________ Find the maximum enrollment.
  4. __________ Find the range enrollment.
  5. __________ Find the median enrollment.
  6. __________ Find the mode.
  7. __________ Find the sample mean x enrollment.
  8. __________ Find the sample standard deviation sx of the enrollment.
  9. __________ Find the sample coefficient of variation CV.
  10. __________ If this data is to be divided into six bins, what is the width of a single bin?
  11. Determine the frequency and calculate the relative frequency using six bins (classes, intervals). Record your results in the table provided.
    BinsFrequencyRelative Frequency
  12. Sketch a frequency histogram of the data, labeling your horizontal axis and vertical axis as appropriate. Use the back of this sheet if necessary.
  13. __________ What is the shape of the histogram?

[Unmarked statistical survey question] What are the seasons of your culture - give the season and meaning, if any. Use the back if necessary.

Table of statistical functions used by Excel Basic Statistics Statistic or ParameterSymbolEquationsExcel -->