Pole and Line

Pole-and-line data, summarized by year, covering 1970 to 2010 for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area

Year Sum of fishing days across many 5 degree grids Sum of Skipjack tuna caught in metric tonnes Sum of Yellowfin tuna caught in tonnes Tonnes per fishing days
1970 450 2104 63 4.82
1971 4739 21076 107 4.47
1972 49400 142275 6159 3
1973 60431 222746 6020 3.79
1974 61115 244340 5131 4.08
1975 59756 177969 5998 3.08
1976 68538 226626 14892 3.52
1977 80144 243035 11913 3.18
1978 77199 280805 10027 3.77
1979 72781 236810 8054 3.36
1980 77926 283965 10331 3.78
1981 78601 244534 14811 3.3
1982 67274 217956 10243 3.39
1983 57345 247972 9808 4.5
1984 60663 331450 10459 5.64
1985 56642 204515 17100 3.91
1986 53360 283182 10783 5.51
1987 51666 224535 11117 4.56
1988 45526 253273 10931 5.8
1989 48258 257900 12701 5.61
1990 52833 197516 11494 3.96
1991 49032 259631 11444 5.53
1992 44523 223701 13616 5.33
1993 45354 248224 11112 5.72
1994 40540 196145 12091 5.14
1995 41867 231371 13004 5.84
1996 39212 182517 13880 5.01
1997 43879 198323 11106 4.77
1998 53531 224406 11863 4.41
1999 60807 216177 12643 3.76
2000 42042 196179 17532 5.08
2001 32731 141262 13339 4.72
2002 31430 129495 11708 4.49
2003 26073 141236 8708 5.75
2004 34711 128036 10250 3.98
2005 25219 143393 10118 6.09
2006 22729 130827 10954 6.24
2007 24725 116870 11121 5.18
2008 29655 121064 9432 4.4
2009 26034 100417 8966 4.2
2010 24159 122423 8158 5.41

Local names

LanguageKatsuwonus pelamisThunnus albacares
Englishskipjack tunayellowfin tuna
Woleaiangarangaaptagu ("d", soft g)

Data source information
The data was summarized from POLE_AND_LINE.DBF contained in the linked DBF database file format. The original data was 9688 rows. This data was summarized for exploratory use in a statistics class. As such the data is not useable for actual research purposes. The original data fields are described below.


This database represents the most complete POLE_AND_LINE data available to the WCPFC that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with the current Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission
In reference to the RAP (Paragraph 9), cells where effort is less than or equal to the maximum value estimated to represent the activities of two vessels have been removed from the public domain data.

Field Name
YY N( 4 ) Year
MM N( 2 ) Month
LAT5 C( 3 ) Latitude. It represents the latitude of the
south-west corner of 5° square for these data.
LON5C( 4 ) Longitude. It represents the longitude of
the south-west corner of 5° square for these data.
DAYS N( 6 ) Days fishing and searching (effort).
SKJ_C N( 8, 3) Skipjack catch in metric tonnes.
YFT_C N( 8, 3)Y ellowfin catch (metric tonnes)
OTH_CN( 8, 3) Other species catch (metric tonnes)

The last column was generated by the author.