Pole-and-line data, summarized by year, covering 1970 to 2010 for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission Convention Area
Year | Sum of fishing days across many 5 degree grids | Sum of Skipjack tuna caught in metric tonnes | Sum of Yellowfin tuna caught in tonnes | Tonnes per fishing days |
1970 | 450 | 2104 | 63 | 4.82 |
1971 | 4739 | 21076 | 107 | 4.47 |
1972 | 49400 | 142275 | 6159 | 3 |
1973 | 60431 | 222746 | 6020 | 3.79 |
1974 | 61115 | 244340 | 5131 | 4.08 |
1975 | 59756 | 177969 | 5998 | 3.08 |
1976 | 68538 | 226626 | 14892 | 3.52 |
1977 | 80144 | 243035 | 11913 | 3.18 |
1978 | 77199 | 280805 | 10027 | 3.77 |
1979 | 72781 | 236810 | 8054 | 3.36 |
1980 | 77926 | 283965 | 10331 | 3.78 |
1981 | 78601 | 244534 | 14811 | 3.3 |
1982 | 67274 | 217956 | 10243 | 3.39 |
1983 | 57345 | 247972 | 9808 | 4.5 |
1984 | 60663 | 331450 | 10459 | 5.64 |
1985 | 56642 | 204515 | 17100 | 3.91 |
1986 | 53360 | 283182 | 10783 | 5.51 |
1987 | 51666 | 224535 | 11117 | 4.56 |
1988 | 45526 | 253273 | 10931 | 5.8 |
1989 | 48258 | 257900 | 12701 | 5.61 |
1990 | 52833 | 197516 | 11494 | 3.96 |
1991 | 49032 | 259631 | 11444 | 5.53 |
1992 | 44523 | 223701 | 13616 | 5.33 |
1993 | 45354 | 248224 | 11112 | 5.72 |
1994 | 40540 | 196145 | 12091 | 5.14 |
1995 | 41867 | 231371 | 13004 | 5.84 |
1996 | 39212 | 182517 | 13880 | 5.01 |
1997 | 43879 | 198323 | 11106 | 4.77 |
1998 | 53531 | 224406 | 11863 | 4.41 |
1999 | 60807 | 216177 | 12643 | 3.76 |
2000 | 42042 | 196179 | 17532 | 5.08 |
2001 | 32731 | 141262 | 13339 | 4.72 |
2002 | 31430 | 129495 | 11708 | 4.49 |
2003 | 26073 | 141236 | 8708 | 5.75 |
2004 | 34711 | 128036 | 10250 | 3.98 |
2005 | 25219 | 143393 | 10118 | 6.09 |
2006 | 22729 | 130827 | 10954 | 6.24 |
2007 | 24725 | 116870 | 11121 | 5.18 |
2008 | 29655 | 121064 | 9432 | 4.4 |
2009 | 26034 | 100417 | 8966 | 4.2 |
2010 | 24159 | 122423 | 8158 | 5.41 |
Local names
Language | Katsuwonus pelamis | Thunnus albacares |
English | skipjack tuna | yellowfin tuna |
Kosraean | katsuo | ohlwol |
Mwokillese | lajapwil | pwoipwoi |
Pohnpeian | kasuo | karangahp |
Chuukese | angarap | tokou |
Woleaian | garangaap | tagu ("d", soft g) |
Data source information
The data was summarized from POLE_AND_LINE.DBF contained in the linked DBF database file format. The original data was 9688 rows. This data was summarized for exploratory use in a statistics class. As such the data is not useable for actual research purposes. The original data fields are described below.
This database represents the most complete POLE_AND_LINE data available to the WCPFC that can be disseminated into the public domain in accordance with
the current Rules and Procedures for the Protection, Access to, and Dissemination of Data Compiled by the Commission
In reference to the RAP (Paragraph 9), cells where effort is less than or equal to the maximum value estimated to represent the activities of two
vessels have been removed from the public domain data.
DATABASE FILE NAME: POLE_AND_LINE.DBF DATABASE STRUCTURE ________________________________________________________________________________________ Field Name Picture Description ________________________________________________________________________________________ YY N( 4 ) Year MM N( 2 ) Month LAT5 C( 3 ) Latitude. It represents the latitude of the south-west corner of 5° square for these data. LON5C( 4 ) Longitude. It represents the longitude of the south-west corner of 5° square for these data. DAYS N( 6 ) Days fishing and searching (effort). SKJ_C N( 8, 3) Skipjack catch in metric tonnes. YFT_C N( 8, 3)Y ellowfin catch (metric tonnes) OTH_CN( 8, 3) Other species catch (metric tonnes) __________________________________________________________________________________________________
The last column was generated by the author.