se3 t02 mx 5.3 • Name:

The data in this statistics midterm is derived from the Community College Survey of Student Engagement. The CCSSE provides information on student engagement, a key indicator of learning. The survey asks students questions that assess student behaviors that are correlated with student learning and student retention. The data is from question four which asked, "In your experiences at this college during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following?" Students had the option of answering "1 = Never, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Often, 4 = Very often." The averages for COM-FSM were used as the scores in this first section of the midterm. For the following questions, the higher the score the better the student engagement. Use the numbers in the score column to answer the questions below.

Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions 2.74
Made a class presentation 2.67
Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in2.79
Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments 2.64
Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) 1.73
Participated in a community-based project as a part of a regular course 1.82
Used the Internet or instant messaging to work on an a3.18
Used e-mail to communicate with an instructor2.77
Talked about career plans with an instructor or advisor2.11
Received prompt feedback (written or oral) from instructors on your performance2.49
Worked harder than you thought you could to meet an instructor's standards or expectations 2.82
Worked with instructors on activities other than coursework1.82
  1. ____________________ What is the level of measurement?
  2. n= __________ Calculate the sample size n.
  3. Q0 = __________ Calculate the minimum (zeroth quartile).
  4. Q1 = __________ Calculate the first quartile.
  5. Q2 = __________ Calculate the median (second quartile).
  6. Q3 = __________ Calculate the third quartile.
  7. Q4 = __________ Calculate the maximum (fourth quartile).
  8. IQR = __________ Calculate the Inter-Quartile Range.
  9. Make a sketch of the box plot for data.
  10. mode = __________ Calculate the mode.
  11. x = __________ Calculate the sample mean x.
  12. sx = __________ Calculate the sample standard deviation sx.
  13. CV = __________ Calculate the sample coefficient of variation CV.
  14. z = __________ Calculate the z-score for 3.18.
  15. range = __________ Calculate the range.
  16. width = __________ If the data is divided into five classes, what is the width of a single class?
  17. Determine the frequency and calculate the relative frequency for the data. Record your results in the table provided.
    Class upper limitsFrequency FRel. Freq.
  18. Sketch a frequency histogram for the data, labeling your horizontal axis and vertical axis as appropriate.
  19. ____________________________ What is the shape of the histogram?
  20. __________ Based on the relative frequency, what is the probability that a score will be greater than 2.89 in the above data set?
    In the paired data table the score for COM-FSM is compared to the scores from other small community colleges. The following questions explore the possible correlation between COM-FSM scores and score averages elsewhere. Use the COMFSM and Other columns to answer the following questions
    Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions 2.743.05
    Used e-mail to communicate with an instructor2.772.98
    Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor2.642.75
    Talked about career plans with an instructor or advisor2.112.32
    Received prompt feedback (written or oral) from instructors on your performance2.492.77
  21. _________ Calculate the sample size n.
  22. ______________ Calculate the slope.
  23. ______________ Calculate the y-intercept.
  24. ______________ Is the relation positive, negative, or neutral?
  25. ______________ Calculate the correlation coefficient r.
  26. ______________ Is the correlation none, weak/low, moderate, strong/high, or perfect?
  27. ______________ Calculate the coefficient of determination.
  28. ______________ What percent in the variation in the COMFSM score accounts for the variation in the scores seen at other small community colleges?
  29. ______________ Use the slope and intercept to predict the Other score for a COMFSM score of 2.29
  30. ______________ Use the slope and intercept to predict the COMFSM score for an Other score of 2.63
  31. ______________ In general, are COMFSM scores lower or higher than at other small community colleges?