Introduction to Statistics Using LibreOffice.org Calc, Apache OpenOffice.org Calc, and Gnumeric, Edition 5.3
- Recommended materials:
mobile smartphone., or scientific calculator
- Instructor: Dana Lee Ling
- Email: dleeling@comfsm.fm
Email address recommendations
- Course web site:
- Phones: Work: 320-2480 extension 228 | Cell: 922-1858 | Home: 320-2962
- Attendance:
Four absences can result in withdrawal from the course and/or a failing grade in the course.
Absences can be excused from the four absence limit for medical or official education-related travel.
Appropriate documentation is required such as a note from the physician (doctor) or,
in the case of education-related travel,
some form of written communication from official sponsors of the travel.
- Health:No betelnut in class. No spitting over the balcony!
- Gradebook: http://www.schoology.com
Apps: Android
- Grading policy:
Points are earned for correct answers on homework, quizzes, tests, and presentations.
You have do consistently well across all material to succeed in this course.
Grading is based on the standard college policy: Obtain 90% of the points or more to
obtain an A, 80% to 89% for a B, and so forth.
- Course outline:
http://www.comfsm.fm/~dleeling/statistics/sg1/ms150-statistics-outline-20150524.docx (proposed)
- Academic Honesty Policy: Cheating on an assignment, quiz, test, midterm, or final will result in a score of zero for that assignment, quiz, or test.
Due to our cramped quarters, the course operates by necessity on a system of personal integrity and honor.
- Course student learning outcomes assessment: Based on item analysis of final examination aligned to the outline.
- Learning outcomes in brief: Students will be able to...
Institutional Learning Outcomes:
4. Problem solving: capacity to design, evaluate, and implement a strategy to answer an open-ended question or achieve a desired goal.
8. Quantitative Reasoning: ability to reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of authentic contexts and everyday life situations; comprehends and can create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats.
Program Learning Outcomes:
3.1 Demonstrate understanding and apply mathematical concepts in problem solving and in day to day activities
3.2 Present and interpret numeric information in graphic forms
Course Learning Outcomes (proposed):
- Perform basic statistical calculations for a single variable up to and including graphical analysis, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing against an expected value, and testing two samples for a difference of means.
1.1 Calculate basic statistical measures for the middle, spread of data including quartiles and relative standing
1.2 Generate box plot and histogram charts from data
1.3 Calculate confidence intervals, perform hypothesis tests against a known value, test two samples for a difference of means, calculate effect size
- Perform basic statistical calculations for paired correlated variables.
2.1 Calculate the linear slope, intercept, nature and strength of the relationship for paired data
2.2 Generate scatter graphs for paired data
2.3 Predict values based on the regression function
- Engage in data exploration and analysis using appropriate statistical techniques including numeric calculations, graphical approaches, and tests.
3.1 Generate appropriate basic statistical measures of the data without specific guidance on which measures should be calculated
3.2 Generate appropriate charts and graphs for the data without specific guidance on which charts should be generated
3.3 Draw conclusions based on statistical analyses and tests, obtain answers to questions about the data, supported by appropriate statistics
Statistics links
Statistics done wrong
Data sources
StatLib DASL
Many eyes
Google Ngram
Google data
Google Public Data Directory
Google Fusion
Real climate
Air pollution data
Straight stats •
Statsci data sets
US Data.gov
UN Data
Flowing Data
FlowingData: World gets fatter
Flowing Data: Best questions
Center for Disease Control
World Health Organization
International Diabetes Organization
International Diabetes Organization Atlas
International Monetary Fund
Pac Pol
FSM Stat Unit