Background and foreground Color Changing with JavaScript and X11

Enter one of the following five color words or the word inverse in all lowercase in the text box and then click on the button:
ebony mocha green thistle white inverse

Ebony, mocha, green, and white use the properties of the document to effect their color changes. Thistle uses the properties of the document.body object to effect its color changes. Ebony, mocha, green, and thistle use X11 colors. White uses only the 16 basic color keywords and returns the page to somewhat default values. Inverse uses the 16 basic color keywords plus orange. Inverse is designed to test whether the problem is a lack of JavaScript support or a lack of X11 keyword support.

Script Background Changer
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Refer to the source to understand these notes. The color schemes used by the JavaScript are X11 color keywords. Unless otherwise noted, the browsers listed handled the X11 colors specified.

MSIE 6 on Windows 98

Fully functional, both document and document.body objects.

Netscape Navigator 4.7

Has inconsistent problems with the X11 colors. On some computers ebony generates text that is too dark to read. On other computers mocha has both a dark background and text that cannot be read. The document object apparently only supports bgColor and fgColor, not the setting of the link properties. Document.body is supported but the properties are different. See Hagiwara to explore these differences.

MSIE pre-release 5 on OS X

The document object works for bgColor and fgColor, but the links do not take on their new colors until the mouse hovers over them. The document.body methods causes odd screen effects: the input button blanks and changes color.

Opera 4.0 Beta 4

Apparently no document nor document.body object. X11 colors in CSS are supported.

WebTV Viewer 1.1 running WebTV 2.2 Client

Only the document object used by ebony, mocha, green, and white work. Supports background, foreground, and link color setting. Does not support document.body object, and therefore is unable to display the thistle color theme.


Amaya does not appear to support JavaScript. Amaya is a W3C standards only browser.


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