ESS 101j Joggling

Jogging, Juggling, Joggling, and all that Jazz

Jogging, Juggling, Joggling, and all that Jazz: An introduction to the aerobic fitness exercises of jogging, running, and joggling. Designed for the non-runner or beginning runner. The course is effectively an introduction to cardiovascular fitness via running.


Fall 2002Fall 2003Spring 2004Fall 2004

Course documents

Program Outcomes
ESS 101j Joggling Outline
ESS 101j Joggling Reasoning
Framing Thoughts for "What is a sport?"
ESS 101j Joggling Calendar
Gym Rules
Instructor checklist for class
Release Form
Modified Release Form Fall 2003


Micronesian languages vocabulary, joggling vocabulary, and local racing rules.
Run Softly, Run Tall
Joggling: Speed, Time, and Pace
Stretching Pros and Conssxw
Foot type document
Wet Test GIF
Men's foot size chart (pdf)
Women';s foot size chart (pdf)
Source of foot size charts and running shoes of all brands
Foot Size PDF Print Dialog box setup
Aerobic and anaerobic (sxw)
Why keep a running log? (sxw)
Guidelines for running roads and trails
Road running routes
Waterfall run handout
Trail running
Affective domain physical education survey for jogglingsxw
Fall 2003 survey resultsSpring 2004Fall 2004
Gym laps sxc
Bernoulli effect
Schematic of distances around Kolonia on Pohnpeixlssxc
Tables of runs with times xlssxc

Budget Documents

Kinesiology Performance Based Budget 2004
221 Performance Based Budget 31 Dec 2002
Chair ESS
Personnel Requisition Chair ESS