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Distance Education
Contact US
College of Micronesia-FSM
Media/Instructional Technology Center
P.O. Box 159 Kolonia
Pohnpei FM 96941
(691) 320-2480
Technology Center Distance Education:
The distance education research and implementation at the College of
Micronesia - FSM is a joint effort between many departments and divisions of the College
Vice President of Instructional Affairs' office. The MITC in conjunction with the
Information Technology Services (ITS) are the spearheading divisions who are responsible
for coordinating this effort.
Due to the remoteness and vast
distances between the FSM states and surrounding islands, the College of Micronesia - FSM
is striving to utilize distance education technologies that will include the most number
of potential students. Here, we can't restrict distance education to the use of the
Internet, but the College must utilize other means to reach the most number of potential
students. We have to utilize many forms of communication and transmission technologies and
methods to reach out to students. I doing so, the College must maintain its practice of
being accountable and flexible just like any other academic institution. Possible distance
education technologies may include but not restricted to traditional postal airmails, fax,
telephone, and newer technologies like, E-mail, Internet, Videoconferencing or even
short-wave transmitters. Currently, the College is trying to network all its campus, a
further step toward online studies and videoconferencing. This will take time so please
bear with us.
COM - FSM Articles on Distance Education:
Hotlinks to
nearby colleges and universities that are already utilizing distance education technology
and practices to bring quality education to interested students.